Become A Partner
We are open to work with international organisation, national public authorities and embassies to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable people in our communities.
Based on experience in humanitarian work, your donation goes a long way to making a real difference in the lives of children, youths, families and communities.
Sponsor or Donation
As you sponsor or donate to Noblegoal CDI cause, you make it possible for a child to get quality healthcare and education that prepares him/her for a better tomorrow.
Community Protection
In humanitarian emergencies, children and youths are most vulnerable which is the reason we provide protection by engaging them to different programs to becoming the center of our action.
Safeguard Children
Every child has a right to protection and to feel safe. For every child, we reach through any of our programme, we are committed to creating and maintaining a caring, sustainable and protective environment for them.
Strengthen Families
NoblegoalCDI strengthen the bonds of families. We work with families and communities to help them build their capacities. In that respect, we organise programmes that increase moral and ethnical values and promote education.
What You Can Do
In working together with generous and committed sponsors and partners around the world, we are bent on making lasting changes that improves the lives of children now and generations to come.
Alternative Care
Noblegoal CDI is committed to making sure that the standard of core in our program (free medicare, skill acquisition, seminars) and open to work with government and communities to empower young generation.
Advocate for children’s right
We stand up for children and help to inform decision makers about children’s rights. We encourage children to take part in decision-making process about their lives and speak up for themselves as this will affect them.
Teach and Train
early children through vocational training or university, young people are prepared to face live challenges hence we ensure that children’s fundamental rights to education are met. Therefore, quality education and training are keys to a successful future.